Admin overrides: Skip soil wetness step



GrapeWatch is an information service only. The weather station(s) you select provide the data for calculations of the disease alerts you will receive. The data should be considered less precise the further the distance beyond 1.5km from your nominated weather station to your vineyard.

Your use of the information and data contained in this service is at your sole risk. If you rely on this you are responsible for ensuring by independent verification its accuracy, currency, or completeness. Any actions or decision made based on the information provided, are not the responsibility of GrowCare(r) or GrapeWatch. Individuals are encouraged to seek professional advice when considering decisions that could affect their business.

I have read and understood this disclaimer.

For more information, see the longer disclaimer.

Disease alerts

Recent Model T flags for {{ oModelTRecent.stationNam }}:
{{ o.flag }}

Downy mildew

No downy report
Error: {{ oDownyRep.error }}
Budburst: {{ dateFmt(oDownyRep.budburst) }} (edit)
Season so far: (show {{ bSoFarMore ? 'less' : 'more' }})
Using station: {{ oDownyRep.stationStr }}, season {{ oDownyRep.season-1 }}-{{ oDownyRep.season }}, calc'd {{ oDownyRep.whenStr }}
CSICFSev Infection dateOilspots dueModel T
No infections for this season

Probably not

Oilspot timing calculator (hide)
Choose a date and time for a downy mildew infection:
Results will appear here
{{ oHypOs.line1 }}
{{ oHypOs.line2 }}
{{ oHypOs.line3 }}
Calculated {{ oHypOs.whenStr }}
Oilspot timing calculator
Technical notes (docx)

Powdery mildew

Error: {{ oPowderyRep.error }}

Coolroom temperatures

{{ o.nam }}{{ o.temp }}

{{ bMobile ? 'Weather graph' : 'Local weather observations graph' }}

NRM Weather Network: Weather data sourced from the field devices server. Click here for further information.
From   To dummy Days Stop at date Show forecast

Graph options

L and R indicate which quantity is shown on the y-axes.

Bureau of Met local forecast

Redirecting to local forecast on Bureau of Meteorology site.
Go to the settings page, click your location on the map and then you'll be able to use this feature.


You will be able to see the local forecast after you have set a location on the map.
Username{{ user.username }}
{{ ? 'Change' : 'Set' }} password
Re-type password
Send alerts to
This can be an email address or 10-digit mobile number (or comma separated list of these)
Stations for alerts (edit)
Stations for alertsSelect station(s)
Send alerts for:
Downy mildew
Downy mildew forecast 
Powdery mildew 
Location{{ }}°S, {{ user.lon.round(4) }}°E {{ user.locationName }}


GrapeWatch is an information service only. The weather station(s) you select provide the data for calculations of the disease alerts you will receive. The data should be considered less precise the further the distance beyond 1.5km from your nominated weather station to your vineyard.
Your use of the information and data contained in this service is at your sole risk. If you rely on this you are responsible for ensuring by independent verification its accuracy, currency, or completeness. Any actions or decision made based on the information provided, are not the responsibility of GrowCare(r) or GrapeWatch. Individuals are encouraged to seek professional advice when considering decisions that could affect their business.

I have read and understood this disclaimer.

For more information, see the longer disclaimer.
Settings Saved {{ userSettingsError }}

Summaries for each day

Start End
When calc DM short DM med DM advice DM dial PM new PM old PM med PM long Alerts
Date When calc Downy mildew - short message Downy mildew - medium message Downy mildew - advice 1 Downy mildew - dial Downy mildew - advice 2 Powdery mildew - new advice Powdery mildew - old advice Powdery mildew - medium message Powdery mildew - long message Alerts


Stations | Users
When calc | Season | 7 days | DM short | DM med | DM advice | DM dial | PM short | PM med | PM long | Rainfall during period to |
User Region/Group Station User G When calc Rain WL WL DM short DM medium DM advice DM dial PM short PM medium PM long
{{ o.userStr }} {{ o.oStation.rgn }} {{ o.oStation.nam }} {{ o.userStr }} G {{ o.whenStr }} {{ round(oStationsRainfall.rain[o.station], 1) }} {{ round(oStationsRainfall.wetLeaf[o.station], 1) }} {{ percent(oStationsRainfall.wetLeaf[o.station] / fromToHours) }}
Loading more...

{{ pageHeading }}


Some things might be broken or unclear. Call Eric on 0421253504 or email if you need any help.

More info is on the GrowCare info site.

Disease Reports

Legend Make a report Report details Edit report details

Legend will be here
Delete report
Click the map to specify location (Auto detect)

Submit report Delete report

Select station{{ prevSection=='settings' ? 's for alerts' : '' }}

List | Map | Both Regional network all | NRM old all | GB old | Green Brain
Current station: {{ station }} {{ stationNam }}
ID Group {{ prevSectionLetter }} Name/Location
{{ }} {{ o.rgn }} {{ prevSectionLetter }} {{ o.nam }}

Downy mildew forecast map

This map shows results of the downy mildew model for each grid location, using the Bureau of Meteorology forecast for the week ahead. Using forecasts has extra elements of uncertainty compared to using observed weather. Updated whenever the Bureau's grid forecast is updated (about twice a day).
White = no infection, Yellow = DMP, Red = DMS, Brown = DMS and DMP. Last updated {{ oForecastMap?.whenStr }}.

Data calendar

This graph shows which days have data from this station.
Only Regional Network stations have this feature.


{{ oChart && 'Generated ' + oChart.whenStr }}
Average score: {{ chartAvgScore.round(1) }} | Total score: {{ chartTotalScore.round() }}
Number of seasons Average score: {{ chartAvgScore.round(1) }} | Total score: {{ chartTotalScore.round() }}
. {{ pr[1] }} .

{{ continLoadingTxt }}
{{ continLatestStr }}
| Files available on FTP for {{ stationNam }}: {{ o.ext }} |



Message text:
